So I got mail today! That was pretty great :) I can only get mail when
the zone leaders go to the offices and pick it up so it might have
gotten here a little while ago, but they hadn't been over there and then
I didn't see them until today, but I was really glad to get it all :) I
got the first Dearelder from mom and a letter and dearelder from Ashley
and a letter from Ashley's parents so it was great :)
So a Little bit about this week, we had divisions
on friday and I went with Elder Lawson to his área which is in the same
Ward as mine just the other half of the área, but I talked more about
that in the recording. I also talked about the one investigator that
came to church yesterday, his name is Jesús. It was awesome to have
someone that is actually trying to change his life for the better :) All
the other baptism dates have fallen through but we will try to
reschedule and get them to have the desire for themselves. It has been
hard when we teach all week and try to get people to attend church and
when we send people to get them or go ourselves and they don't want to
it is just sad. I talked a lot about your other questions on the
recording (the recording didn't work unfortunately so he'll send it next week) and a bit about the week so there might be a little bit of
repeating myself but I don't have much more because I feel like the
recording covers the rest, well I'll tell you about Jorge. Jorge has
cáncer and only 5 years to live according to the doctors. He has been
Reading the Book of Mormon and has a lot of faith but when we asked him
to get baptized he wanted to pray and get an answer first, which is a
good thing but I just wanted him to say yes. He is in pain and had a
surgery and struggles with walking but I hope he will make the
sacrifice to come to chuch.
Well that's about it for this
week, I hope you enjoy the recording (it's like 14 minutes long) and I
took some pictures this week so you get a little better idea what it's
like here. Oh I almost forgot, we went running by the laguna the other
day and saw some cocodrilos and tortugas! unfortunately I didn't have my
camera but that was cool :)
well I love you all a ton!
Elder Sampson