Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jan 19th 2 Investigators and 12 Less Actives at Church

Heeeeeey everybody!

Well this week... was better than last week... :) we are definitely improving but we still have a long way to go. We have been able to teach more lessons and the members have started to help us out but we need to improve our teaching. I don't know why but Elder Echeverria and I haven't really found a groove that we can both fit into... I don't know... we just haven't found the best way to work together.
This week was pretty good in the sense that we had 2 investigators in the chapel and like 12 less actives, Anatolio didn't go because the brother that was going to pick him up had to go to ward council... that was a little sad but we will keep working with him. Short story about Anatolio: we were teaching him and his daughter one day at their house and we were kinda focusing more on the daughter because we hadn't been able to talk to her for a while. She knows that the catholic church isn't true and even says that sometimes but she says she wants to stay catholic... I don't really get it but anyways... we were talking about all that and teaching about baptism and then out of the blue Anatolio says to his daughter "¡La iglesia catolica no te va a salvar!" he wasn't yelling or anything but he said it rather firmly so it was interesting.  I think he is already starting to have a testimony :)

Mari came to church! she left right after sacrament but that's a lot better than not going :) We are working with her some more because we had kinda lost contact with her but it is going pretty well.
The family we have been visiting still haven't been able to come to church... They have a baby that was born prematurely and so they have to be very careful with her because she has bronchitis so when it is cold she has to be inside...

This week we had interchanges! I went with Elder Porter (not my last comp.) and Elder Bushman, that's right... TRIO! it was a little weird to be honest... and we are all white so I am sure it was weird for the other people too ;) I don't really know what is going on but the missionaries in this zone but they are dropping like flies! We've already lost 3 in this change and one in the last one... I think they are all from sicknesses... it's been really weird. We were in a trio because some elders had to go to Tampico.

Well mom was saying that I now have 1 year in the mission... and well that is almost true... I still have three days until that happens but... I will already be home in a year from now... how crazy is that?  Well between now and then I have a lot of work to do :)

Well that's all I've got for now.  Have a great week! :) Love you

-Elder Sampson

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