mamá por favor, es que la semana pasada olvidé decirles que íbamos a ir
al Templo esta semana.... y no podemos ir el lunes porque está cerrado
entonces... cambiamos p-day al martes... pero no se preocupen! todo está
muy bien! :) y pues, tuve una experiencia muy buena en el Templo
entonces estoy muy feliz :)
I made a short
little recording this week that talks about what we are going to do
this week, forgive me if you don't speak Spanish because I have been struggling with my English and it was easier to make it in Spanish... I
don't know why it is still easier to write in English, but talking has
become easier in Spanish... I think that is a good thing :) I still have
plenty to learn but it is coming along quite well :)
little bit about Francisco, unfortunately he wasn't able to come this
week because his leg is in a lot of pain right now and it was raining
pretty good and his vision is really bad so... there were a whole lot of
things working against us but he really did want to come with us and I
am sure he will come this week :) he is still really interested in what
we have to teach and wants to learn. He always says such great prayers.
little bit about what is going on there. Charles it's good that you
have work, I never thought of you as a waiter but I am sure you are
doing great! :) I am a little glad I wasn't there for the potatoes... ;)
but I don't know what I am going to do without my annual workout... The
people here say that I have gained a little weight (I thought I had lost
some but who knows?) so maybe it would've been good if I participated
in that... Lauren, what is going on with all the boys? are you going to
pick one and marry him or what? ;) did you get the Facebook message
from Edwin? ;) he is the branch mission leader and just got back from
his mission like a year ago, You can come down here and meet him if you
want ;) you've gotta tell Claire she can't just skip classes like that
;) it would be pretty cool to learn about that stuff... :) Dad, I am
getting to experience what it is like to be choir director a little bit,
they don't have me do it in sacrament meeting but in other classes and
meetings we have they almost always pick me to lead the music... The
people here have some pretty interesting ways of singing the hymns...
and it would really help to have someone that plays the piano really
well (mom, you don't have to comment on that last part, I already know
what you are thinking... ;) ) to help them learn what the notes and
tunes really are...
This is home sweet home for Elder Sampson |
Bueno, eso es todo lo que
tengo para ustedes esta semana pero les amo muchísimo y espero lo mejor
para cada uno de ustedes esta semana :) Disfruten la grabación!